Saturday, August 31, 2019

Do new dependency theories overcome the weaknesses of classical dependency theories?

IntroductionOver the century’s, economic development theorist have put forward various models for explaining the â€Å"underdeveloped-ness† of countries in the Third World. However, with sociological theory comes criticisms and despite lasting a great deal of time in the framework of the international sphere, classical dependency has been subjected to a barrage of criticism on theoretical, empirical, methodological, and stylistic grounds. In this essay, it is my aim to analyse the criticism put forwards while simultaneously determining whether or not the modification by new dependency theorists have overcome these flaws.Before doing so we must firstly acquaint ourselves with the origins of the dependency theory, first formulated in the late 1950s under the guidance of the Director of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, Raul Prebisch. The second part of this essay will provide an analytic account of Paul Baran and Andre Gunder Frank’s classic al studies of dependency theory, looking at their general perspectives and adaptation to Marxism.Once this has been achieve, the third and final part of this essay aims to draw out the criticism that have been put forward on classical dependency studies while looking at new dependency theorist; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Stephan M. Haggard and Thomas B. Gold perspectives. This will allow me to conclude how sophisticated new dependency studies are in overcoming the flaws of the classical dependency studies. Origins of Dependency Theories Given the many interpretations given to dependency, how can one capture the concept of dependency in a concise manner?Dos Santos, defines it as â€Å"a historical condition that shapes a certain structure of the world economy such that it favours some countries to the detriment of others, and limits the development possibilities of the subordinate economies†. (SO, A, Y. 1990: 99) Whereas liberals (mainstream economists) define underdevelopment as a condition in which countries find themselves in, depedentistas see it as a process in which less developed nations are trapped because of the relationship between the developed and underdeveloped countries in the world economy. (SANCHEZ, O.  2003)However, it can be agreed that dependency theory is not a socioeconomic relation that just â€Å"occurs†, it is developed historically through capitalism’s power-relations between the first world and the third world. In order to understand dependency theory, we first need to place the model in historical context by examining its origins. Emerging in the late 1940’s against the development theory of modernization which examined development from the point of view of the United States and other Western Countries, The Dependency Theory took the approach of viewing development from a Third World perspective.According to Blomsorm and Hettne, the dependency theory represents the â€Å"voices from the periphery†. (Blomsorm, M, Hettne, B. 1984) Dependency theory arose out of central and south America in the 1960s and 1970s, but was part of a larger movement that was asking a lot of questions about international relations at the time. One of those questions was â€Å"why are so many countries not developing? † The traditional answer to this question was that these countries are not perusing the right economic policies or the governments are authoritarian or corrupt.However, dependency theorists wanted to find out if that was all there was to it, which lead them to argue that countries were not developing around the world due to international division of labour, class distinction and global capitalism. The diagram above (Wikimedia commons, 2008) is a clear example of what dependency theorist meant when they argue that there are a number of different kinds of states in the world which all form a different funtion in the world’s economy. First you have the core states are the most richest and powerful (e.g Europe and North America).These states dominate in terms of industry and technology and as a result the semi-periphey and periphery states (e. g Latin America and South Africa), who are characterised by resource extraction economy, argiculture production and providing cheap labour, serve the economic intrest of the richest countires. Dependency theory became popular as a criticism of modernization theory (also known as development theory) which seemed to be failing due to the continued widespread poverty of large parts of the world.This may be because modernisation theory only offers an â€Å"internal† explanation of Third world development. For example, it assumes that there is something wrong inside Third world countries- such as traditional culture, overpopulation, little investment, or lack of achievement motivation- and this is why Third world countries are backward and stagnant. (So, A, Y. 1990: 92) The theory believes in order for third world countries to reach modernity they need to look up to western countries as mentors and follow western paths of development.However, dependency theorists argue that this is impossible to do so because of colonialism. â€Å"The colonial experience has totally restructured Third world countries and has drastically altered their paths of development† (So, A, Y. 1990. :96) Looking back at liberal reformer Prebisch and the ECLA strategy of protectionism and industrialization, he believed, in order to put an end to all problems of development, poorer countries should embark on programs of import substitution so that they need not purchase the manufactured products from the richer countries.The poorer countries would still sell their primary products on the world market, but their foreign exchange reserves would not be used to purchase their manufactures from abroad. (Larrain, J, 1989:110) However, this was not as straight forward as anticipated, because if a poorer nation makes any a ttempt to resist against the power of the rich nations they may have to face military force or economic sanctions.â€Å"Developed nations actively keep developing nations in a subservient position, often through economic force by instituting sanctions, or by proscribing free trade policies attached to loans granted by the World Bank or International Monetary Fund†. (WiseGeek, 2003) Despite the failure of Prebisch international trade theory, it is undoubtable that it provided the dependency theory with the support that it needed, and showed some semblance of what dependence means in this type of economic system. (Moses, D, 2012)In a nutshell, Development and Underdevelopment are two sides of the same coin. Wealthy nations of the world need a peripheral group of poorer states in order to remain wealthy. Using a variety of political economic interventions as well as media, education systems and interventional sporting events wealthy nations control poorer nations, making them de pendent. And it is in their best interest to keep the poorer nations poor by using Ha-Joon Chang metaphor â€Å"kicking the developing ladder away† so that they can continue to steal the poor’s natural wealth and exploit their workers.Latin America was asked to produce food, raw materials for the great industrial center, and in return, Latin America would receive industrial goods from these centers. (So, A, Y. 1990:93) Classical Dependency Theory In this next section we will examine Neo-Marxist theorist’s Paul Baran (1910–1964) and Andre Gunder Frank’s (1929–2005) who developed dependency theory from Marxian analysis.â€Å"The dependency theory is rooted in a Marxism analysis of the global economy and as a direct challenge to the free market economic policies of the post-War era† (Ferraro, V, 2008) In The Communist Manifesto, Marx argued within the capitalist economy the bourgeoisie mercilessly exploited the proletariat. He recognised that the work carried out by the proletariat created great wealth for the capitalist. The products created in the factory (the material outcome of the workers' labour) were sold for more than the value of the labour itself i. e. more than the workers' wages.Like Karl Marx (1818–1883), Baran and Frank argued a similar exploitative system of stratification between countries. Usage of Marxist ideology can be seen as strength of the dependency theory as led the way to other neo-Marxist investigations of the linkage and possible reconciliation between Dependency Theory and Marxism. Paul A Baran Baran is the first author within the theory of imperialism who studies the class structures and economic processes of underdeveloped countries, but more importantly, he was the first Marxist author who puts in doubt the homogeneous conception of world capitalism.  (Larrain, J, 1989:80)Baran believed imperialism had penetrated underdeveloped countries, destroying earlier social formations and distorting their subsequent development, creating lasting conditions of dependency. Underdeveloped countries were systematically subordinated to the developed countries in the international division of labour. However, Baran was not the first to make such arguments. Traces of such views of imperialism can be found in Marxism.â€Å"if it were not for the distorting effects of imperialism, the country that is more developed industrially would have shown to the less developed the image of its own future† (Foster, J, 2007) Baran’s Political Economy of Growth argued that Third world countries were characterized by small industrial sectors and large agricultural sectors, which was not immensely profitable on world a scale. He emphasized class relations and their impact on utilization of economic surplus, as well as the distribution of power as primary barriers which prevented development.He espoused that internal conditions were the source of the major problems in under developed countries, and recommended state intervention to promote nationally controlled industrialization as a precondition for evolution of other industrial sectors. (TheDevelopmentStudent, 2010) Baran’s uses his study of India as an example of a country which would have developed much better had it not been for the surplus torn from it by Britain. In his study he traced how British colonialism contributed to the underdevelopment of India through plundering, deindustrialisation, and the uprooting of the local society.  (So, A, Y. 1990:111)Although, Baran agrees with Marx that one should not idealise India’s pre-Britain past, he maintains that ‘at the same time, I should not be overlooked that India, if left to herself, might have found in the course of time a shorter and surely less tortuous road towards a better and richer society’ (Larrain, J, 1989:86) This study can be highlighted as a powerful insight of the classical dependency theories which has directed researchers to examine the process by which foreign domination had shaped the development of Third World countries.  (So, A, Y. 1990:129)Overall, the work of Paul Baran can be considered a very important landmark in the refurbishing of the theory of imperialism after the Second World War. He introduced such crucial changes to it that it is possible to argue that his contribution is the hinge which joins or articulate the theory of imperialism with, and marks the beginning of dependency theory. (Larrain, J, 1989:115) Andre Gunder Frank Andre Gunder Frank was one of the key figures under the Dependency Theory as well as the first to write in English.In his most influential writings ‘The Development of Underdevelopment (1969)’ Frank drew inspiration from Paul Baran, focusing upon the dependent character of peripheral Latin American economies, and was able to conceptualise Baran’s notions in terms of a capitalist world system of metropolitan and satellite areas. Metropolitans are countries that are considered as the colonizers or developed countries and the satellites on the other hand are the colonies and considered underdeveloped countries.Satellites supply cheap primary commodities to the rich countries that then use the raw materials to produce specialized good, and then send them back to the satellites for profit. Frank argues that this metropolished-satellite relationship is only in existence to serve the â€Å"interests of the metropoles which take advantage of this global, national, and local structure to promote their own development and the enrichment of their ruling classes† (Moses, D, 2012.)He argues that the reason why LDCs are getting poorer is because the exploitation it experiences from the DCs such as extracting raw materials from the LDCs while the DCs manufacture, deliver and sell the final product to LDCs with a price hitting the ceiling. In his famous writing entitled as Dependency theory claims that the r elation of imperialism and domination trapped poor nations at the bottom of the global economy.  (Larrain, J, 1989:115)Frank purposed four hypotheses, one being â€Å"the satellites experience their greatest economic development and especially their most classically capitalist industrial development if and when their ties to their metropolis are weakest† (So, A, Y. 1990:98) Therefore, his solution to the problem was that Third world countries â€Å"de-link† themselves from the world market, allowing them the opportunity to develop instead of distributing their own resources to the metropoles.However, as stated previous, due to military force or economic sanctions this may not be possible. By escalating Baran’s views and adapting them to the analysis of the Latin American situation, Frank’s idea that capitalism expanded from Europe and managed to incorporate the whole world in a single international system, quickly became well known all over the academic world and gave intellectual currency to dependency theory.Critique of classical dependency studies and modification by new dependency theorist The dependency perspective seems to have been particularly popular during the 1960s, but based on the classical dependency theories outlined above, it has since lost some of its attraction and has been the subject of a great deal of criticism since the 1970s. Firstly, it can be claimed that dependency theory itself was betrayed by the very formulation of its name. Many critics argue that it is not a theory, but can more accurately be conceived of as an approach to the study of underdevelopment.In fact, new dependency theorists such as Cardoso objected to the term ‘theory' to describe it. He believed it is an overarching framework within which one might formulate specific hypotheses/theories, a ‘methodology for the analysis of concrete situations of dependency. ‘ It did not predict determinate, discrete outcomes. Rather, it sought to provide a new perspective from which to examine the problematique of economic backwardness. (Cardoso, F, H. 1977:15) For many social scientists the methodological faults of the approach were too obvious to ignore.As stated earlier, the dependency theory arose as a critique of the modernisation theory. However, the modernisation school fought back, characterising the dependency perspective as a propaganda fragment of Marxist revolutionary ideology. Instead of providing a scientific analysis of what has actually happened in third world countries, the concept of dependency has become an all-purpose explanation for everything that is wrong with third world countries (So, A, Y. 1990:131) Another methodological criticism was that classical theorist Baran and Frank committed a major error of treating all peripheral areas as if they were the same.Fernando, H, Cardoso is usually singled out as the key figure of the new dependency studies. Unlike the general analysis of the classica l dependency school, Cardosos methodology is â€Å"historical-structural†. (So, A, Y. 1990:135) Therefore, he paid more attention to historically specific situations of dependency than classical theorist Baran and Frank. In this work, Cardoso pointed out that the shift from the Brazilian populist regime to military regime was represented as the pursuing of a new model of â€Å"associated-dependent development† in Brazil.He added that there were many new activities, which has been done by military regime in Brazil. Goertzel (1999) suggests that Cardoso’s success: ‘†¦ has come not because he has had a better theory but because he has always kept one question at the center of his thinking: What will happen if society selects one course of action over another? To answer this question, he has focused on the sociology of the historical conjuncture rather than on general theory†¦ ’ (Goertzel, T.  1999:182)However, Cardoso work too received much criticism for his esoteric style of writing. One scholar, assessing Cardoso and Faletto's Dependency and Development, decries the authors' â€Å"ornately Hegelian style† which is held to be partly responsible for the â€Å"confusing and even contradictory† message of dependency theory (Staniland, M. 1985:134). However, Cardoso himself admitted that â€Å"if there have been so many distortions in the consumption [of dependency theory], it is because the original production was not clear regarding several points† (Cardoso, F, H.1977, 17).Dependency theorist overemphasised the factor of external conditions, and neglected the role of internal dynamics such as class conflicts and the state. Petra’s (1982) indicated that â€Å"to conceptualise the issues of the Third World in terms of dependency is to lose sight of the most decisive processes class formation and social relations which beget change and the particular configurations of social forces which emerg e on a world scale†. (Petras, J.  1982:148)New dependency theorist Cardoso overcame this weakness by focusing on the internal structures of dependency. According to Alvin Y. So â€Å"Cardoso is more interested in analysing the socio-political aspect of dependency, especially class struggles, group conflict, and political movements† (So, A, Y. 1990:136) Classical dependency theorists have become subject to criticised on policy implication. The dependency perspective emphasizes the harmful effects of colonialism and international division of labor.But in fact, the success of countries such as India, south Korea and Taiwan have proven this idea wrong, especially Baran’s study on colonialism who once believed India moved backwards, from a relatively advanced industrial nation to a backward agricultural nation with the belief that it would never escape the British rule and develop again. Dependency may not lead to underdevelopment and as such periphery countries mov e from â€Å"underdevelopment† to becoming serious economic heavyweights it can be used to argue against the theory.Unlike classical dependency theorist (e. g.  Landberg) who portray the miracle of East Asian development as â€Å"manufacturing imperialism† New dependency theorist Thomas B Gold (1986) uses the concept of â€Å"dynamic dependency† in his study of Taiwan’s development. Taiwan’s starting point of development was in most ways very similar of that of Latin American countries. Like other colonial governments, the Japanese implanted a structure of dependent capitalism in Taiwan and skewed the economy to the production of two primary good (rice and sugar). Gold believed that Taiwan was undeniably restructured by Japan, it was not underdeveloped.Soon after World War 2 Taiwan broke free from the Japanese colonial rule and have attained rapid economic development. (So, A, Y. 1990:158) Therefore this rejects classical dependent theoristâ€⠄¢s assumption that this is impossible for a country to develop if it has experienced colonialism. Furthermore, determinism also burdens dependency with what Stephan Haggard has called the ‘structuralist paradox'. â€Å"The model was outlined to help identify the international constraints associated with certain development paths in order to overcome them.†However, dependency does not allow for the possibility that particular state strategies may act to reduce those international constraints. (Haggard, S. 1990: 21) In response to this new dependency theorist such as Cardoso view dependency as an open-ended process. Unlike classical predictions of unidirectional trend of underdevelopment in Third World countries He argues â€Å"that there can be development and dependency and that there exist more dynamic forms of dependence than those characterising enclave or quasi-colonial situations† (So, A, Y.  1990:137)Even though the new dependency perspective has modifie d some of the classical dependency perspective, they still share the same concept such as focus research is Third world countries, national level of analysis, and center – periphery dependency. According to Larrain â€Å"Dependency analyses share similar interests in studying the situation of peripheral capitalist countries from the point of view of the conditioning effects which external forces and structures produce on the internal structures of these countries† (Larrain, J. 1989; 112) ConclusionIn conclusion this essay has demonstrated an overall understanding of dependency theory, by originating back into the 1940s where it all began, following up to its relevance in today world. As well as the strengths of the theory, the essay has discussed the ways in which dependency has been subjected to a barrage of criticism on theoretical, empirical, methodological, and stylistic grounds. Furthermore it has researched and demonstrated how new dependency theorists have modif ied classical dependency studies in order to overcome their weaknesses.Overall I feel that Cardoso’s analysis in more sophisticated than the classical dependency studies. His work has added the lack of explanation in the classical work; it has improved on many of its criticisms and emphasizes broader explanation on what happen in the third world. I also believe that Cardoso’s research, along with Gold’s study of Taiwan’s, has shaped the direction of empirical studies in the dependency school and started a whole new investigation on dependent development in the third world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Petition to the President of the United States

My purpose in writing this essay was to show that while â€Å"A letter to the President of the United States† was written by someone who was very knowledgeable and signed or approved by many other scientists was not successful. This essay goes to show that sometimes no matter how much valid evidence is presented to an individual regarding why they should not make a decision, they disregard that and make the decision anyway. I hope that the readers are able to understand that the scientists were truly worried about what long term effects the use of the atomic bomb would have on the United States.Before this assignment, I was unaware that Szilard had written any type of letter to the President. I also have a better understanding of why the United States used the atomic bomb on Japan. In some ways, my perspective did change. I would now like to research what some think may have happened had the United States not used the atomic bomb. While writing this critical evaluation essay, I found myself conflicted as to the results. There was a part of me that wondered why the President had not taken the views expressed in the petition more seriously.Did the president truly think about the long term effects or was he looking for an immediate solution regardless of the ramifications? Personally, this was not one of my favorite assignments. While I enjoy history and learning more about the subject, this one was hard for me. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had chosen another article to write about. While this letter was able to portray ethos, pathos, and logos it was a short and precise letter. I chose â€Å"A Petition to the President of the United States† by Leo Szilard.I chose this because it was a subject that I was familiar with and I was interested in learning more about the letter and the effects the letter had. I think I have been able to use all of your previous questions to portray to you my feelings regarding this essay. I do not feel this is one of my best writing, and hope to use your feedback to better myself as a writer and to excel in this class. In the article, â€Å"A Petition to the President of the United States† Leo Szilard, the author of the petition, discusses why he thinks the use of atomic bombs is not a good idea.Szilard’s uses his expertise and knowledge to provide valid points behind his petition. Szilard is a working scientist in the field of atomic power. He also brings up the points of what has been said about the use of atomic bombs against the United States in the past and how the use of this type of weapon would be the first step to a weapon that would become even more powerful in the course of its development. He talks about how the American public also perceives the use of weapons in warfare. Szilard makes some valid points about why the atomic bomb should not be used on Japan.Szilard uses an appeal to ethos in order to make the petition more creditable. An appeal to ethos relies o n the credibility of the author. The first point that Szilard’s makes in his petition is about himself and the fellow scientist, who also signed the petition, and their background in the field of atomic power. â€Å"We, the undersigned scientists, have been working in the field of atomic power for a number of years. † (Szilard, 1945) This is a point that really grabs the attention of the reader. Szilard should have maybe elaborated on this point a little more.Using more facts that supported his background in atomic power possibly could have made the argument a little better because the reader might not be aware of how powerful the use of atomic bombs could be. Szilard also uses an appeal to pathos. An appeal to pathos relies on the audience’s emotions and feelings. â€Å"Atomic power will provide the nations with new means of destruction. The atomic bombs at our disposal represent only the first step in this direction and there is almost no limit to the destruc tive power which will become available in the course of this development.Thus a nation which sets the precedent of using these newly liberated forces of nature for purposes of destruction may have to bear the responsibility of opening the door to an era of devastation on an unimaginable scale. † (Szilard, 1945) In this exert, Szilard is trying to portray the President that the after effects of using the atomic bomb would not only affect Japan, but also the United States, as the United States would have to take on the responsibility of having unleashed this power and could also feel the effects if the atomic bo0mb were to be used against other countries in the future.The author uses logos, an appeal to the logic, by trying to reason with the president â€Å"We believe that the United States ought not to resort to the use of atomic bombs in the present phase of the war, at least not unless the terms which will be imposed upon Japan after the war are publicly announced and subse quently Japan is given an opportunity to surrender. † (Szilard, 1945) The author used logos reasoning throughout the paper, but it was most pparent in that statement. If Japan was aware of all the negative effects that the atomic bomb would have upon them, would there still be a need for the use of it or would Japan surrender to the United States? The scientist knew that not only would the atomic bomb affect the people that were alive then, but it would also have an effect on Japan for years to come. The use of the atomic bomb affected the land, food, and natural resources of Japan.Leo Szilard’s â€Å"A Petition to the President of the United States† created some very valid points and was written by a very knowledgeable scientist. in the end however, the petition was unsuccessful and President Harry S. Truman decided to use the atomic bombs on Japan. Works Cited Szilard, Leo and Cosigners. â€Å"A Petition to the President of the United States. † Atomicarc hive. com. 2011. Web. 11 May 2012.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking #2 - Essay Example Although the industry does not own provide a very huge share of the nation’s national product, it is greatly contributes to the budget of the government, and besides, it is the factor behind the huge economic growth of Iran (Karl, 1997). The export of oil is the main source of direct revenue for the Middle East nations governments taking into account their lands are desert. Moreover, it also provides indirect revenue through the taxes that are levied on imports as well as several other activities that are financed by the money from oil and besides, foreign exchange be also earned. All these are beneficial as they maintain other sectors within the economy of the Middle East countries (Karl, 1997). In addition, agriculture is also dependent on imports that are financed by oil; hence, Middle East nations’ food supply is alleged to rely on imports. However, food supply also depends on the annual rainfall as well as several other conditions. Despite the number of benefits brought about by oil, in Iran, for instance, the nationals of the country have lived to be haunted by its discovery. Thus, the presence of oil reserves in the Middle East affects the states economically, politically, as well as socio-culturally but the sector, which is highly affected, is the nations’ political economy. Insecurity is also brought about by the presence of oil; similarly, oil has made Middle East to be vulnerable to interferences from the foreign nations, leading to the damage of the historical development of the nations in Middle East (Henry & Springborg, 2001). Monetary resources within the region have greatly been increased by the discovery of oil in the nation. Because the region is endowed with numerous resources, the problem of allocating the fund also comes up. Foreign Super-powers always intervened in Middle East nations that have too much oil and tend to manipulate their governments. Moreover, international oil firms always aim exploit oil

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Exam - Essay Example This shows whether the firm is operating the business under proper legal requirements. Regulatory compliance is also essential as it examines a firm’s compliance background information. Even though, I did not confirm the said factors that have proven challenging to the continuity of the project, I conducted my schedule under the Information technology management contract. This was the scope of my project (Clark, 2003). Together with that, I was hired as an independent contractor thus restricted to certain information concerning the confidentiality of the business. The reason that leads to restriction of certain information is merely because such contracts are short lived. The firm may, therefore, fear providing all the essential information that may affect if revealed. Under the IT contracts that the contract was based upon, contractors lack the technical and/or the operational history in examining the contracts. A contractor takes up a project without any k nowledge of whatever might happen during the implementation of the strategy. The firm provided no information concerning the background history of the project and thus it becomes difficult to retrieve any information. In this case, in order to avoid future complication, the IT contracts should be reviewed and amended since this is a problem that is in existence. There is a need for the contractors to read the contractual agreement, understand it, and, agree to it after being convinced that it adheres to the required principles (Clark, 2003). The moment a computer is interlinked to other computers on a network, its content is vulnerable to risk. Thus, there is the urgent need to secure the computer from emerging threats such as viruses and hackers. Within the computing environment, it is very important to offer detection, prevention, and remedial actions for virus attacks. For this reason, there is the need of making a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Impacts of Cybercrime on Shareholder Value and Marketing Essay

Impacts of Cybercrime on Shareholder Value and Marketing - Essay Example This discussion declares that,, and were attacked by cyber-terrorists in February, in the year 2000. It is believed that the attack was conducted by a hacker and Elias Levy the chief technology officer at that time, of CSIS, mentioned that it was difficult to find who did the attack since there were many machines that were used to do the attack, and the attack could have been directed from any part of the globe. In addition, according to him, the same group could have held all the attacks in these three online sites since it happened almost the same day. It was later discovered that a boy by the name of Michael Calce was the one who executed the crime. Michael Calce was a fifteen year old Canadian citizen whose nickname was Mafia boy. This paper highlights that Amazon announced to its users that their passwords had to be changed, what they termed as a preventive measure towards protecting the users passwords. This was after they detected various passwords and email addresses that did not relate to Amazon, posted online. So, they had to change their user’s passwords because they believed that the same passwords were used in other websites. Users were advised not to use their previous passwords for the sake of safety. The software helped him to hack into the websites of Amazon, eBay, Dell, CNN, and yahoo and made some harmful alterations to the program coding.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Crockett & Tubbs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crockett & Tubbs - Assignment Example There are legal frameworks that guide the formation and fulfillment of business contracts. There are ethical practices that form the business culture of any business establishment. A contract formation consists of several stages. In the case of Crockett and Tubbs, the contract was at the negotiation stage. If an agreement had been reached and the business contract signed by both parties, then such a contract is not to be contravened, since it is legally binding. In law, under the rule of contract, when a business matter, transaction or contract is completed, it is final. Failure for Crockett to sale the Ferrari Daytona at $250,000 would lead to a court case. Otherwise, if a contract had not been signed, Tubbs negotiators can be influenced by the increase in demand for the Ferrari Daytona and change the terms of negation so as to make more profits. For this case, Crockett had not signed a business contract with Tubbs and therefore, the law leaves the decision upon Tubbs to either change the terms and conditions. The aim of a business is to generate profits. To achieve this, the business must establish a nourishing relationship with its partners in business. Crockett should be guided by ethical principles of business conduct. A legitimate business will make the customer come for more and therefore, to reinforce the relationship and also ensure sustainable business, Crockett ought to sell the Ferrari Daytona to Tubbs at $250,000. Some business individuals advance the argument that there is a mutual relationship between ethics and business. They presume that ethics naturally comes to those businesses that are profit-oriented. This argument has both weak and strong versions. For the present case of Crockett and Tubbs, a profit-oriented approach may seem to provide a short term success (Fieser, 1996). Businesses which are thriving are those that have embraced ethical practices

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tennesse Williams The Glass Menagerie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tennesse Williams The Glass Menagerie - Essay Example In Act One, Scene One, the stage setting is described as having a ‘dark, grim rear wall of the Wingfield tenement’. There are stage directions where the actors and actresses enter and exit the stage using the props like stairs and this is difficult or impossible to accomplish using an arena stage. (Williams 12).An arena stage is a central stage that has surrounding seats and this gives no leeway except to ascend or descend from the stage. Then the actor or actress has to sit down at the level of the audience, or walk all the way to the nearest dressing room. An arena stage is similar to a theater in the round, which has the audience seated on all sides of the performance stage. A thrust stage is most suited for this play because it allows the actors and actresses entrance and exit routes and help to make the play a realistic drama. In Act One, Scene One, the stage directions say that; ‘The scene is memory and is therefore non-realistic.’ (Williams 12). Amanda and Laura are seated at the dinner table behind the scrim to symbolize their need for privacy since they are eating. Williams highlights the unrealistic nature of the play by stating that; ‘Eating is done by gestures without food or utensils.’ (Williams 15). This play is also unusual in having a character, Tom, in the play, assume the multiple roles of being the narrator and stage director too. This makes the play realistic because the play is Tom’s testimony. Some characters are unrealistic in the play. In Act One, Scene Two, Amanda discovers that Laura has been skipping her typing class and deliberately deceiving her. Laura is an unrealistic dreamer. She fails to understand the importance of earning her stripes with a formal education and getting a relevant job to be self-supportive, if not contributing to the family household income. Tom is rooted in realism although his responses to the pressure are human and hints of escapism. Amanda

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prison Term Policy Recommendation - Essay Example Within the next five years, it is estimated that convicted inmates will increase the prison population by two-hundred thousand. Such an unprecedented increase in a population that depends fully on government support will cost twenty-seven billion dollars on the national scale (Ohlemacher). Indeed, the nation has already a massive flux of prisoners. In the last thirty years, according to Professor Craig Haney, incarceration rates have been increased significantly in the United States (Haney 2). Such figures will only put a drain on the state's fiscal budget. Therefore, it is necessary to be highly certain of the effectiveness of a long prison term. Since nothing is absolute, and the government should not be considered a treasury for experimental endeavors, this writer remains skeptical of the situation. A perfect example of criminal activity and the penal code is that of Richard Allen Davis. According to People Weekly, Davis started his criminal career burglarizing people which further led to more violent acts such as attempted rape and murder. He has been in prison many times. He had spent at least fourteen years in prison, but he can now never harm anyone due to California's three strike's law which gives life sentences to convicts with three accounts of criminal activity (Fields-Meyer). There are two conclusions I can reach from the Davis case. The first is the fact that any amount of prison terms is in no way a guarantee that a convict will exit with rehabilitated behavior. In fact, in a review of Davis, one can almost speculate that prison makes an individual even more aggressive and effective as a criminal. My second conclusion is that no matter how ineffective prison term is, society, in general, is safe from such an individual for the time they are in prison. Thus, no one in the free society will suffer from Davis for as long as he lives. In conjunction with simple armed robbery, it is necessary to take in all aspects it contains. It is a crime not restricted to stealing the material wealth of some sort, but an offense that includes violence. The mere fact that it is armed is a signal that the offender intended to threaten death if he/she is unable to apprehend what they desire. The Republican reports an incident of a burglarized woman, "She said prior to the robbery she was not hesitant to go into a city, especially for a cultural event. Now she feels fear not only in Springfield but other cities." (Spencer) This illustrates the graphics effects a simple robbery can have on people. It is not simply a loss of wealth, but a violent and psychological offense. At the same time, however, an act of retribution against violence may not cure the problem. According to studies performed by Professor Stuart Henry, nearly seventy-five percent of inmates have committed separate crimes before their incarceration. That means three out of four prisoners were arrested at least once before. This data would suggest that prison sentences have a seventy-five percent chance of failing in rehabilitating inmates. Furthermore, it is estimated that the illiteracy rate in prison is more than double over the general population. This indicates that convicts released from prison are uneducated and may be forced into criminal activity in order to survive.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Business Plan - Essay Example The Meals on Wheels meals shall be ordered one day ahead by parents through the online website which the company shall equip with an e-commerce capability for transaction. The meal choices shall include specialty meals for children of families with particular constraints based on health conditions, religious affiliation, culture and social or moral convictions (e.g. the case of vegetarians).In the future, the company hopes to expand to other geographical areas where it could set up business. It also aims to extend their services to other segments of the population such as high school students, office workers, and the ill or aged individuals who have mobility problems and therefore could not prepare their own meals. Presently, the firm must first establish operations with focus on quality, reliability, and value for money. This business plan lays out the details of the proposed company’s operations, its marketing, operational, financial, and strategic management of the business , in an effort to determine its feasibility or non-feasibility. Table of Contents 1.0Mission Statement 6 1.1Goals 6 1.2Business Vision 6 2.0Core Business Concept 6 2.1Secondary Business Concept 7 2.2Future Business Concept 7 3.0Key Success Factors 7 4.0Key Business Objectives and Associated Strategies 7 5.0SWOT Analysis 9 6.0Marketing Plan 10 6.1Marketing Plan Goal 10 6.2Industry Information 10 6.3Customer Profile 11 6.4Customer Buying Motives 12 6.5Market Size 12 6.6Growth Potential 12 6.7Competition 14 6.8Marketing Strategies 15 6.8.1Product 15 6.8.2Pricing 16 6.8.3Placement 17 6.9Advertising and Promotional Plan 17 6.9.1Promotional Objective 17 6.9.2Promotional Strategy 17 6.9.3Total Promotional Budget 18 7.0Service Plan 18 7.1Service Plan Objectives 18 7.2Current Service Plan 19 7.2.1Identifying customer needs 19 7.2.2Quality control 19 7.2.3Customer feedback loop system 19 7.3Industry Benchmarks 19 7.4Future Service Plan 19 7.5Service Costings and Gross Margins 20 8.0Operational Plan 20 8.1Operational Plan Objective 20 8.2Immediate Operatio nal Plan 20 8.3Future Operational Plan 20 9.0Legal Structure 21 10.0 Business Premises 21 11.0 Insurances 21 12.0 Staffing Arrangements 21 12.1 Projected Cash Flow 22 12.2 Profit and Loss Statement 22 12.3 Balance Sheet 22 13.0 Timelines 23 References 24 Meals on Wheels ® Business Plan 1.0 Mission Statement The proposed enterprise, which shall be called Meals on Wheels ®, aims to provide nutritious, safe, delicious and affordable lunches to elementary and high school students in their schools. 1.1 Goals To accomplish its mission statement, Meals on Wheels ® will seek to achieve the following goals: To deliver safe and nutritious lunches that children will want to eat, at affordable prices To earn a fair and reasonable return on investment for the business To set the standard for food providers specifically for children in terms of safety, nutrition, appeal, and reliability. To provide avenues for gainful employment of individuals, particularly women, who shall work in Meals on Wheels kitchens, and income for accredit suppliers working from the home To serve society by extending assistance to parents in assuring the proper care and health of their children 1.2 Business Vision 2 year vision: Serve lunch to elementary and high school children in at least one major city and nearby suburbs 5 year vision: Extend lunch

Contextualised analysis of Associated British Foods PLC Dissertation

Contextualised analysis of Associated British Foods PLC - Dissertation Example For the purpose of operational capability of the company, its corporate strategy has been analyzed in addition to the competitive environment and other risks to which it is being exposed. The paper presents the financial evaluation of the company and for this particular purpose, the most effective tool of ratio analysis has been utilized. The financial ratios are usually divided into various sub categories such as profitability, gearing and liquidity, each put emphasis on a different area of the financial outlook of the organization. These analyses form an integral part of the financial statement analysis, especially from the investor’s point of view, which are always looking for avenues to invest in countries having strengthened and stabilized financial ratios and representing an upward trend. In addition to the financial evaluation, for the purpose of risk assessment, several risks has been identified and assessed such as firm related risks, currency risks, capital structure risks and market risks. The ABF plc actively follows the corporate governance directives issued by the FRC for the corporation registered in the UK. Being a premium company listed on the stock exchange, the company is required to follow the directives of the corporate governance requirements. The company has stated in its latest financial report that it has complied with all of the provisions and directives of the corporate governance as per the regulations. The company has always remained sincere to its corporate social responsibility and has always strived for it. Being a multinational, the policies of corporate social responsibility extends to all of the countries in which the company has its operations. 1 Overview of the Company Associated British Foods is not a new name in the food and ingredients industry and is considered analogous to quality and premium branding. The company is a diversified conglomerate having five major strategic segments which are sugar, agriculture, ret ail, grocery and ingredients. The company is a multinational and has been working to further broaden its horizon. As per the latest financial statements of the company for the annual year 2012, the company is operating in more than 47 countries worldwide having employed more than 106,000 employees. The vision and mission statement of the company is to achieve strong leadership in the course of business which is sustainable and long lasting. The company always strives to provide quality products to the individuals and other consumers and to become a necessary brand in the people’s day to day active life. The financial year 2012 proved to be a vital year for the company as it continued to progress and thrive in the midst of all the financial difficulties and was able to divert various operating hurdles as well. One of the indicators of the robust financial performance of the company was the fact that its revenue increased by an impressive 11% during the current financial year t o ?12.3 billion which caused the adjusting operating profit to increase by 17% as compared to the previous

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Write a critical comparison of two pieces of research Essay Example for Free

Write a critical comparison of two pieces of research Essay Rationale When choosing the two pieces of research to compare, I sought a topic that interested and was of relevance to me. According to Hammersley and Scarth (1993) the function of educational research is to inform policy-makers and practitioners and consequently to improve education (p.216). Subsequently the aim of this essay is not only to draw a critical comparison between the two pieces of research, but also to inform me, as a student teacher, on the findings of the role of teachers beliefs of gender in mathematics and so advise my future practice. In my last SE placement I found myself teaching a mixed year class of which boys made up two thirds of the pupils, this highlighted to me some of the gender issues that can manifest themselves in the primary classroom, I had previously not had experience of. The school had a policy on gender, which contained strategies for raising the achievement and interest of boys in lessons, particularly in literacy. When observing the male teacher conducting literacy and history lessons I found that many of the texts were tailored to the boys interests, such as information texts on robots or science fiction. In other classes I observed taught by female teachers, I did not see the use of any resources specifically targeted at boys. I found that because the class contained more boys than girls and had a male teacher, much of the talk and topics had a male theme. However, I did find that the boys were strongly motivated and that many of them responded in a very positive manner to a male role model, which can often be lacking at primary level. It was clear when I took over the teaching of the class I found it more difficult to develop a rapport with the boys than I had in my previous SE placement where the class teacher had been female. There has been research conducted on the effect of the gender of a teacher particularly in mathematics, but there are no conclusions to support my observations. Most teachers indicated that their gender does not necessarily influence their treatment of their own students, or the way that either male or female students related to them. There has been also been research conducted to examine the affect of teacher gender on pupils achievement in mathematics. Li (2001) quotes Sahas (1993) conclusions that whether a teacher is male or female does make a difference for student achievement, students with male teachers had better achievement in mathematics than those with female teachers (p.66). The experience within this class illustrated to me the distinction of boys and girls in primary education and how they respond to different stimuli, whether that be teachers, work, resources etc. As a mathematics specialist the fact that the topic investigates teachers gender-related beliefs within that subject is of particular interest to me. I have not had any experience of working with teachers who hold different beliefs about girls and boys achievement, but I have never held a discussion with a teacher about what they attribute their pupils success in mathematics to. The research papers provide an insight into teachers attributions and whether these are differentiated by gender. Any implications raised by the outcomes of this research will inform my future practice. Historical Context of Topic Over the last 25 years, there has been a variety of studies conducted to examine teachers beliefs about, or attributions of, causation of their students achievement successes and failures. Research conducted by Clark and Peterson (1986) found that a teachers causal attributions are important because perceptions of why his/her students succeed or fail in achievement situations has an impact on the teachers expectancies for students future achievement success. They also concluded that the sex of a student has not been shown to be a major factor affecting teachers attributions. However Fenema et al (1990) stated that a close reading of the literature shows that most studies dealing directly with teacher attributions have not included gender as a variable (p.57). There are some studies to show that researchers hold different beliefs about appropriate learning experiences for boys and girls. Stage et al (1985) reported that teachers do not have lower expectations for girls performance in mathematics than they do for boys performance, however teachers have been found to provide more encouragement for boys then for girls to learn mathematics. In 1998, the Scottish Executive for Education produced a Primary Schools Support Pack, which details gender issues in raising attainment. The document states that research evidence in attainment shows that in mathematics: boys have generally more positive, or sometimes more polarised, attitudes; boys have more confidence, are less dependent on teachers explanations, and devise their own methods and short cuts to solutions; girls tend to underestimate their abilities and are easily discouraged. Research carried out by Gorard et al (2001) on the patterns of differential attainment of boys and girls at school showed that in mathematics, girls have a small achievement gap over boys at level 2, but at level 3 to A levels, boys hold a small achievement gap over girls, which increases over time. Context According to Hammersley Scarth (1993) it is important to understand the context in which a report is produced (p.217). Fenema et al carried out their research in the United States of America in 1990. The subjects were 38 female 1st grade teachers from 24 elementary schools. Tiedemann carried out his research 10 years later in 2000 in a North German city. The subjects were 52 3rd and 4th grade teachers of which 5 were male. It is not clear from the research papers how they both chose their samples. However, it seems likely that both used a form of cluster sampling. Denscomb (1998) states that the logic behind cluster sampling is that, in reality it is possible to get a good sample by focussing on naturally occurring clusters of the particular area the researcher wishes to study and schools are a good example of a naturally occurring cluster. (p.14). Cluster sampling comes under the heading of probability sampling which is based on the idea that people or events that are chosen are done so because the researcher has an idea that these will be a representative cross-section of people in the population being studied. Denscomb (1998) adds that cluster sampling can save a great deal of time that would have been spent travelling to various research sites throughout the land. However, he states that one must remember the aim is to achieve a representative cluster and this could be obtained through random or stratified sampling (p.13). Fenema et al (1990) chose to study only female teachers; this may be because this is an accurate representation of the population, if there were little or no male 1st grade teachers. If they had particularly chosen to research female teachers attributions and beliefs this would have been stated somewhere in the research paper. Tiedemann however, had 5 male teachers within his sample of 52. It could be presumed that if a stratified approach was used, male teachers therefore, represent approximately 10% of teachers in the population he studied. Denscomb (1998) acknowledges that random sampling is likely to provide a representative cross-section of the whole, however he adds that stratified sampling has a significant advantage over random sampling in that the researcher can assert some control over the selection of the sample in order to assure that key people or factors are covered by it and are representative of how they are in the wider population (p.13). Purpose Fenema et al (1990) states that research had not investigated whether or not teachers hold different beliefs about girls, boys and mathematics. Therefore their study aimed to identify successful and unsuccessful mathematics students and the accuracy of their identification; teachers attributions of the causes of successes and failures of girls and boys and teachers beliefs about the characteristics of their best girl and boy mathematics students (p.56). They did not hypothesise about what they expected to find, but outlined a set of questions they wanted to answer. Tiedemann (2000) research title is very similar to that of Fenema et als (1990) and he quotes Fenema et als (1990) research in his review of the literature. His aim is not to re-test their findings, but to test for perceptual bias in teacher beliefs about gender in their teaching of mathematics at elementary schools (p.194). Tiedemann (2000) believes that it is still difficult to draw any conclusions with confidence. He is however working 10 years later and uses research conducted after Fenema et als (1990) to make a hypothesis of what he expects to find in relation to teachers attributions and beliefs. Bell (1999) identifies that it is useful to make statements about relations between variables as it provides a guide to the researcher as to how the original idea may be tested and they can attempt to find out whether it is so among the subjects in the sample (p.25). Cohen Manion (1994) agree that hypotheses and concepts play a crucial part in the scientific method, also known as positivism, defined as all genuine knowledge is based on sense experience and can only be advanced by means of observation or experiment. Positivism, however, has been challenged from many quarters (p.11), Cohen Manion (1994) quote Kierkegaards (1974) theory of existentialism saying that people should be freed from objectivity and having to discover general laws to explain human behaviour, but instead consider ones own relationship to the focus of the enquiry, which is the capacity for subjectivity (p.23). Tiedemann (2000) states an underlying assumption of his study, that there is no difference in gender achievements or teacher beliefs in mathematics. Cohen Manion (1994) criticise embarking on a study having pre-interpreted the world to be researched as the assumptions of the researcher can influence upon the results (p.25). Methods Both Fenema et al (1990) and Tiedemann (2000) used questionnaires to gather data. Fenema et al (1990) used two types of questionnaires, one being a structured individual interview the other a non-direct questionnaire, in their research. Denscomb (1998) states that a structured interview, which involves tight control over the format of the questions and answers, is similar to a questionnaire that is administered face to face. He adds that structured interviews lend themselves to the collection of quantitative data, which was the type of data Fenema et al (1990) did gather. There are issues to consider when deciding to conduct a questionnaire directly. Denscomb (1998) states that research shows when questioning people face-to-face informants respond differently depending on how they perceive the person asking the questions. In particular the informants answer may be tailored to match what they feel fits in with what the researcher expects from them or to what they perceive to be the researchers point of view (p.116). As already stated the researchers assumptions of the study can affect the outcome. For example in Fenema et als (1990) structured interview the teachers might not readily admit that the pupils lack of success is due to them not providing the support for the child even if it is their belief. In the case of Tiedemann (2000) his underlying assumption that there is no difference in gender achievements or teacher beliefs in mathematics could be perceived by the informant who modifies their response to this expectation. Cohen Manion (1994) cite Kitwoods (1977) critique of direct contact questionnaires; he states that there is a trade off between reliability and validity. If the researcher develops an atmosphere where the respondent feels at ease the more likely they are to disclose true information which is necessary to the validity, however reliability is enhanced by rationalisation, but when the interviewer becomes rational and calculating the less likely the situation will contain a human element and the more calculated the response is likely to be (p.282). Denscomb (1998) reflects on both types stating that questionnaires, which are conducted without direct contact, remove the impact of face-to-face interaction (p.88). Cohen Manion acknowledge the bias that can impact upon direct interaction, but it allows for greater depth than is the case with other methods of data collection (p.272). By Fenema et al (1990) using both types of questionnaires, they have experienced the advantages of both. Tiedemann (2000) used only the non-direct contact and therefore his study as Cohen Manion (1994) stated could lack greater depth and a human element. Fenema et al (1990) and Tiedemann (2000) employed similar styles of questionnaires to collect data about teachers attributions. Both used a non-direct questionnaire, which contained statements about the pupils that the teachers had to estimate on a scale. Fenema et als (1990) sex-role stereotype questionnaire was an adaptation of another researchers method of data collection. The 20 descriptors, concerning characteristics of the teachers best mathematics pupils, contained 2 opposing statements, the teachers responded from high agreement to the right phrase to high agreement with the left phrase. The structured interview and questionnaire used by Fenema et al (1990) and the questionnaire used by Tiedemann (2000) all contained closed questions where the answers are restricted to options supplied on the questionnaire. Denscomb (1998) acknowledges both the advantages and disadvantages of closed questions. He states that the structure of such a questionnaire provides the researcher with information which is of the same length and that can be easily compared, quantified and analysed. In the case of both research papers where the results were of a statistical nature, it would seem closed questions were the most suitable to use. Denscombe (1998) notes the disadvantages saying there is less scope for respondents to supply answers which reflect the exact facts of true feelings of a topic and as a result of this the respondents may become frustrated by not being able to express their views fully in a way that accounts for any sophistication, intricacy or even inconsistencies in their views (p.101). Fenema et als (1990) questionnaire overcomes some of the limitations of closed questions by allowing teachers to rank their agreement with the phrases from 1 to 5, enabling them to strongly agree with one phrase by marking 1 or 5, or to indicate a modification by marking 2, 3 or 4. Tiedemanns (2000) questionnaire similarly is structured to allow teachers to respond on a three-point scale of true, not true and partly true. However Bell (1999) cautions against the use of ambiguous words such a partly true, which may mean something different to each respondent (p.121). In Fenema et als (1990) attribution interview each teacher chose their 4 most successful mathematic students and 4 most un-successful students to attribute the cause of their success or failure. The paper does not state the criteria for how the students were classified as most or least successful, this information however is crucial to understand the teachers beliefs of what constitutes success or failure in mathematics, which is central to the research question. Tiedemann (2000) however states the criteria of a successful or failing mathematics student. He chose three bands of performance level that the students would fall into, 2 from the upper level, 2 from medial and 2 from the lower performance level. These bands were derived from performance grades attributed to the children in a similar way children in the UK are levelled from performance in QCA or SATs tests. One of Fenema et als (1990) objectives however was to discover how accurate the teachers were in selecting their most and least successful students. This was done by testing all 314 girls and 368 boys taught by the teachers and matching the results to the accuracy of the teachers choices. Therefore, it was important that the teachers chose the students as it gave a greater insight into whether they were able to identify their most and least successful students. However, it is important to note that there will always be the issue of whether the test results of the students are wholly valid. The test questions were read to the students by a trained tester. This immediately puts visual learners or children with poor memory at a disadvantage. According to Felder Silverman (2002) visual learners remember best what they see pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations, verbal learners however get more out of words, spoken or written and therefore could have an advantage in this form of spoken test. Dyslexic students may also be put at a disadvantage from this style of test. These children, who are often able mathematicians, according to the British Dyslexia Association (2002) tend need more time when completing mathematical activities due to contributing factors such as poorer short-term memory and slower writing speeds. They can also have problems with auditory processing. Fenema et als (1990) test had a time limit, again putting some children at a disadvantage. Results Fenema et als (1990) and Tiedemanns (2000) results opposed each other in two particular aspects. Fenema et al (1990) concluded that in both the most and least able categories, teachers attributed girls success and failure to effort considerably more so than for boys. Tiedemann (2000) however found that teachers thought that girls profited less from additional effort than boys and had to exert relatively more effort to achieve the level of actual performance in mathematics. Under the category of ability, both research papers contrasted each other in their findings. Tiedemann (2000) states that teachers attributed failure in girls more to low ability, whereas Fenema et al (1990) found that boys success was attributed more to ability than girls success. When analysing the results obtained by both parties one must take into account the differences in their research methods and contexts. The researchers did not study children of the same age, in fact the children in Fenema et als (1990) research were 3 to 4 years younger than in Tiedemanns (2000). The research was conducted in differing countries and Fenema et als (1990) sample size (pupils) was double that of Tiedemanns (2000). Denscomb (1998) reflects on issues when using a sample of 300 or less (Tiedemanns (2000) being 312). He states that extra attention needs to be paid to the issue of how representative the sample is and caution is needed about the extent to which generalisations can be made on the basis of the research findings (p.24). Does this mean therefore that Tiedemanns results are less viable than Fenema et als (1990) due to his sample size? This would have to be investigated in relation to how representative his sample was. Fenema et al (1990) may have a larger sample but there is no information on how representative it is. Denscombe (1998) also states the smaller the sample the simpler the analysis should be, in the sense that the data should be subjected to fewer subdivisions (p.24). Tiedemann however divides his questionnaire in 6 categories containing 21 items; according to Denscomb (1998) this can dilute results (p.24). The issues of bias and validity in terms of Fenema et als (1990) interview should also be taken into account. As previously discussed these issues can affect results and more information on how the interview was conducted is needed before an analysis of its reliability can be conducted. To close, it is difficult to draw clear and unequivocal conclusions from both these sets of research, although Fenema et als (1990) study follows more of the advice for gaining reliable results, such as more than one method of data collection and a large enough sample size. Bell (1999) states that in the analysis, interpretation and presentation of data, care has to be taken not to claim more for results than is warranted. Li (2001) states that when studying all the literature, including both the research papers analysed here, on gender-related beliefs in teachers, the results are inconclusive. Bibliography Bell , J. (1999) Doing Your Research Project Bucks: OUP Cohen, L. Manion, L. (1994) Research Methods in Education London: Routledge Denscomb, M. (1998) The Good Research Guide Maidenhead: OUP Li, Q. (2001) Teachers beliefs and gender difference in mathematics: a review Educational Research Vol. 41 No. 1 pp. 63-76 The British Dyslexia Association (2002) Mathematics and Dyslexia 01/06/03 Tiedemann, J. (2000) Gender-Related Beliefs of Teachers in Elementary School Mathematics Educational Studies in Mathematics Vol. 43 pp. 191-207 Felder, R. M. Silverman, L. K. (2002) Learning Styles and Strategies 01/06/03 Fenema, E. Peterson, P. L. Carpenter, T. P. Lubinski, C. A. (1990) Teachers Attributions and Beliefs About Girls, Boys and Mathematics Educational Studies in Mathematics Vol. 21 pp. 55-69 Gorard, S. Rees, G. Salisbury, J. (2001) Investigating the Patterns of Differential Attainment of Boys and Girls at School Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 27 No. 3 pp. 411-428 Hammersley, M. Scarth, J. (1993) Beware of wise men bearing gifts: a case study in the misuse of educational research in Gomm, R. Woods, P. (ed) Educational Research in Action London: Chapman Ltd

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Strengths And The Weaknesses Of The Companys Approach Marketing Essay

Strengths And The Weaknesses Of The Companys Approach Marketing Essay The emergence of environmental awareness has necessitated businesses to change their practices with regards to environmental issues. Businesses have adopted different strategies to comply with government policies and to maintain market share. Wm Morrison started life in 1899 as an egg and butter merchant and has grown to become the UKs fourth largest supermarket chain. Morrisons corporate responsibility reports identify improvements in Morrisons environmental strategy in terms of reducing their overall impact on the environment; however, several targets have not been met, leading us to question the companys efforts in implementing changes. Morrisons is influenced by stakeholders who influence the policies implemented by businesses. RECOMMENDATION. The United Kingdom was late to effect environmental legislation, only bringing in its Environmental Protection Act in 1990, thus suggesting why policies may not be completely implemented across businesses (BGM.) Corporate environmental management will increasingly be seen as an incentive of doing business (cem.) In recent years there has been a progressive change in the production and consumption of food products in terms of sourcing products from local sources or abroad. Approximately  £70 billion pounds is spent on the food market with roughly 80% going to supermarkets, Morrisons market share of this has fallen to 11.8% from 12.2% over the past year. Morrisons once an independent small high street shop expanded to become a national corporation and subsequently impacting the environment at local, national and global levels. Morrisons use the phrase Different and Better than Ever in order to signal to customers that they are offering something unique in the competitive market; therefore much competition is dependent upon price. The implementation of corporate social responsibility can be used not only to attract ethical customers but attempt to differentiate and develop a unique selling point. Morrisons is a Public Liability Company therefore aims is to maximize shareholder wealth however; the needs of other stakeholders, customers, suppliers and governments must also be considered. Integrating the companies vision to be the food specialist for everyone, Morrisons environmental goals include taking care of the planet mainly focusing upon climate change, waste and sustainability which address the growing interest in the environment (cem.) Morrisons have improved the energy efficiency of stores, limited carbon emissions in the distribution process, reduced packaging and sourced products locally from sustainable sources. The company has invested heavily in its distribution, IT and logistics and now owns its own supply chain, manufacturing site and Market Street. The in-house structure ensures processes have little impact upon the environment, by reducing transportation costs if ownership is in close geographic proximity. Negatively vertical integration can potentially lead to higher costs due to low efficiencies resulting from lack of supplier competition. Morrisons 2011 Corporate Responsibility review highlighted almost 35,000 tonnes of waste was sent to landfill in 2010/11 and their carbon footprint in 2010 was, 1,417,376 tonnes CO2e. In comparison to 2005, recycling increased by 72% and there was a 12% reduction in Morrisons carbon footprint. Cleaner fridge cooling systems in stores resulted in a 40% reduction in refrigeration gas emissions. Morrisons aim to reduce carbon used by stores, offices, food manufacturing, packing facilities and distribution centres. Morrisons are successfully reducing their environmental impact and aim to reduce operational emissions by 30% by 2020. All of these strategies will positively influence the environment. Morrisons 2007 Corporate Responsibility review stated by 2010 there would be a 10% increase in renewable usage, a 15% reduction in water and a 36% reduction in their carbon foot print. All of these targets have not being achieved by the supermarket and the achieve by date has been extended. This illustrates poor implementation of policies and targets across the company. Compared to other supermarket chains Morrisons is not highly rated for producing, implementing and achieving environmental targets. Although Morrisons say they are improving their environmental strategy by making more of a conscious effort into achieving goals, these results identify that plans and targets may not be taken as seriously as necessary. Although Morrisons state they are reducing the environmental impact on products produced through their own manufacturing sites, other suppliers and their impact upon the environment are not mentioned. Thus indicating little or no effort is being made in terms of reducing all manufacturing sites to improve their impact on the environment. The impact of unmonitored suppliers will negatively influence the environment. It can be questioned whether Morrisons practices are markedly different than other companies in regards to improving their impact upon the environment. The production, packaging and distribution of food products impacts negatively upon the environment increasing the atmospheric pollution and its direct costs on human health, damage to crops and causing deaths to animals. On average packaging makes up nearly a quarter of household waste and 70% of that is food related. As climate change becomes an increasing concern, major supermarkets have seen the opportunity to improve their reputations with high-profile green initiatives. Morrisons have used the reduce, reuse or recycle mantra to urge consumers to use alternatives to plastic bags. Government reports have encouraged the change in everyday habits so environmental concerns are at the forefront of consumers minds. Supermarkets have adopted this strategy by promoting the bag for life, Morrisons have invested in using recycled material and have increased the durability, allowing them to be reused. Policies are likely to be further integrated in the future (cem.) For example, the Welsh government imposed a ban on free carrier bags in supermarkets, thus positively implementing strategies for the better of the environment. Morrisons sends large amounts of waste to landfill, but now they have set their target to send zero waste to landfill by 2013. This would be a positive strategy to improving their impacts towards the environment. Landfills can affect human health with cancers and respiratory illnesses. Morrisons supply directs to its stored through twelve distributing facilities and using its own fleet which works around the clock to deliver fresh foods. Although Morrisons say they are improving their distribution facilities, it is questionable whether their management of collecting products from suppliers is in fact environmentally friendly. Morrisons target is to improve the customers experience and they achieve this by providing fresh produce daily however; this negatively impacts the environment as some air pollutants and particulate matter can be deposited in waters and soils where they enter the food chain; consequently impacting animals health. 35% of Britons live fifteen and more minutes away from the closest Morrisons shop, this therefore increases the amount of traffic on the road, resulting in harmful gases being emitted into the environment directly affecting human health, damage to buildings and crop production (BGM.) Morrisons state they provide local people with jobs however; recruiting staff from remote areas or from a large distance from stores will negatively influencing the environment as increased transport is needed. Morrisons business ethics have become a higher priority as peoples actions and opinions have changed with an increased concern for the environment. Implementing an environmental action plan strengthens Morrisons public relations enticing customers and investors. For example, Morrisons pride themselves on providing locally grown produce from sustainable resources alongside 100% British meat and milk. The ownership of production helps secure continuity in the supply chain. Research identified ethical spending and investment has increased dramatically as customers are more willing to pay higher prices for ethical produce. Ethical behaviour adds value, alongside giving the company a competitive advantage. Consumers also want retailers to provide them with environmentally friendly products that are convenient and affordable. The growing importance of environmentally friendly products allows retailers to exploit the opportunity to satisfy customer needs and positively impact the environment (Bgm.) Other strategies adopted by Morrisons were to alter the buying habits of consumers such as providing more information about the origin of products and promoting local food products (cem.) Shoppers like to purchase green food and as people are becoming more aware about waste and environmental matters, the ethically friendly image of companies is welcome by consumers (BGM.) As a result of consumer awareness, government policies and changing technologies Morrisons have adapted their environmental strategy to incorporate these factors. Morrisons has spent thousands of pounds enhancing their companies technology in order to decrease their environmental output. Positively technology can help develop and produce new materials and technologies that are sustainable and do not harm the environment. Retailers are proclaiming their commitment to, and achievements in, sustainability. The satisfaction of customer needs with regards to sustainability allows Morrisons to develop a good brand image and retain customers. Morrisons was the first supermarket to be awarded the Carbon Trust Standard highlighting there are successfully increasing their energy awareness through improving technology and their vertically integrated business model. Environmental management looks at the interaction and impact of human societies on the environment. Morrisons have used energy monitoring equipment to identify consumption trends in its stores and factories, looking for ways both to save money and to improve their impact upon the environment. Several of the environmental strategies used have positively reduced the impact upon the environment, for example altering a new lighting control system in stores has reduced electricity consumption by approximately 66%. Also, replacing HCFs with HFCs has improved the refrigeration system, alongside answering to governmental policies. Discussions about environmental strategy have increased substantially over the last years, influencing business reactions. Alongside this, Morrisons is influenced by government policy and consumer pressure groups meaning they are likely to ensure that firms which do not take action on the environmental front will lose market share (cem.) Morrisons state they are committed to improving the environment and have reporting structures in place, such as the corporate responsibility review, to demonstrate their targets to improving their business in regards to the environment. Another reasons as to why environmental management is implemented within Morrisons is to provide assurance to stakeholders regarding compliance to environmental regulations. The use of environmental management strategies enables us to be reassured that resources and necessary amenities humans need to function are available for future generations. Environmental management increases the value of the company as investors are more likely to invest if the company is seen to be answering governmental policies. Also the company are a competitive advantage and is a potential source of productivity improvement. Environmental considerations are likely to form an integral part of commercial normality and indeed competitive in the future (cem.) Weakness in regards to Morrisons environmental management can include the extension of achieve by dates, this negatively reinforces a wrong image about the company, consequently leading to market shares depleting. The collection and distribution of goods, impacts the environment negatively in regards to inefficient strategies. Morrisons do not have an online market for groceries, this both decreases the convenience of shopping which other supermarkets offer but also the amount of pollution is not saved when people are traveling to the stores. Implementing in an online business would improve their environmental management. Delivery vans could deliver services with a decreased amount of environmental impact. Although Morrisons are seen to be heading in the right direction, regarding acting green, they stop at dramatically changing their business overall. Stopping the use of plastic bags or stocking only in season fruit and vegetables could impact upon the choice and convenience of consumers; however this would improve its environmental performance. Rather than producing environmental policy aims, it would be better to see whether Morrisons could act to save the environment rather than just pleasing the customer. Another recommendation regard how Morrisons could exploit additional opportunities to improve its environmental performance is to improve their policy on renewable sources of energy. Currently Morrisons have only produced a report how renewable energy can improve savings in regards to dairy farming.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impact and Challenges of Citizen Reporters

Impact and Challenges of Citizen Reporters Abstract As the global affectation by voyeuristic media challenges the standardized impart of information, it is through the contiguity of citizen reporting that standards of exchange will be challenged and influenced towards a significantly positive outcome. The following dissertation represents an amalgamation of current arguments both for and against citizen reporters and their integration into mass media. The information presented will quickly acclimate the reader to the historical importance of this debate, and through representation of an objective viewpoint, conclusions will be drawn regarding the relative sustainability of this form of media integration. The establishment of a world body of reporter will be shown as necessitated by our expansion as a world of voyeurs, which aligns the inherent need for human contact with the decided assimilation of global information. Research Questions The following questions represent my interest in the topic of Citizen Reporters: Who are the citizen reporters in today’s society and what effect do they have on the current media climate? What does the future look like for citizen reporters and what challenges lay ahead for a free-form integration of their unique viewpoints on important global incidents? Triangulation The obvious utilization of multiple sources, expanded upon either side of the citizen reporter debate will enable my objective view of all arguments and discussion. Additionally, through research and identification of current sources of citizen reporters I will be able to determine the accurate analysis of these entities within outside research, as well as my own integration of their framework into my discussion. Methodology Due to the extremely modern relationship between the substantial integration of citizen reporters and current forms of media exploitation, the most important research of this topic was encountered in magazines and journal entries which represent subjective viewpoints on both sides of the debate. Additionally, discussion with editors of affluent news entities substantiated my research and offered a more immediate impression of the distinct challenges ahead of citizen reporter utilization. Introduction As the high swells battered the coast of New Orleans, a young woman stood on the balcony of her seventh floor apartment watching cars and mailboxes as they were swept away in the current. Her images appeared days later as eyewitness accounts of the terrible Hurricane Katrina disaster and offered the public a firsthand glimpse of terrible devastation. Across the globe, â€Å"the potential value of citizen journalism first became glaring in 2005 when camera-phone images of the London Underground bombings†¦made front pages around the world.†[1] Regardless of incident, the power of the uniquely positioned citizen to provide the world with spectacular images of important global events has set precedence for the future of reporting. The debate rages, however, as to the efficacy of these first hand accounts, and the dilution of media with illegitimacy has further proffered doubt into the validity of citizen reporting. Hypothesis Ultimately, it will be through the efforts of a collaborative world media that barriers and boundaries to the freedom of information may be dismantled and dependent upon the prudent editorial mitigation of erroneous reports, the world will greatly benefit from incorporation of citizen accounts into their media diets. Personal Affectation The research herein details a highly introspective look into my own apprehensions regarding citizen reporting. In the end, through the acceptance of a world necessity for a decrease in censorship and an integration of a wide variety of sources, not just the current information monopoly, I determined that I accept and appreciate the utilization of citizen journalists. The information was readily available, yet distinguishing the more pertinent arguments from those that are simply jaded and encouraged by fear of change was a bit more difficult. In the end, personal discussions with publication editors, as well as a wide variety of material greatly assisted in my appreciation for this form of media. Defining Citizen Reporting In an effort to determine the actuation of citizen reporting, one may only need to turn to current events to spark acumen in the realization of this form of communication. The impact of images of Rodeny King in and the impactive racial slurs of Michael Richards in the US or the devastating destruction of the Underground Bombings in London, have all had an extremely provocative influence on citizen media dedication. In fact the illumination of a world of purported truths has only been affected as the local media conglomerates have begun to accept citizen participation as a necessity in the struggle for accurate and realistic information. The import of reality television and online voyeur websites such as YouTube continue to affirm the power of viewership and the necessitated prioritization of information. In fact, it is through the socialization of news and first-hand integration of rapid iconography of media shakers that the revision of global media has become a perpetual debate. The citizen reporter can potentially evolve from anyone with a camera or even a mobile phone who is lucky enough to encounter a rare and important (and sometimes not so important) circumstance. The ensuing integration of this visual media into local news shows and global media behemoths alike sustains the necessity of in depth interaction with world events. The proliferation of such varied forms of transportable media continues to affirm a desire for interaction within a global community, and through the attraction of citizen reporters, information sharing continues to become far easier. The Supporters—The World Media Conglomerate As world media organizations struggle to identify the veracity within citizen journalists’ contributions, many are accepting their import as a necessitated integration into their future business plans. In fact, through the continued assimilation of the informal journalistic body, the more impactful events will become global focuses unlike ever before seen. â€Å"The journalists role is now to concentrate harder on how, when and where we can add value through our strengths of analysis, context, background and range. But as we do this we must be open to what members of the public bring to our attention. When handled properly, it adds value and improves quality.†[2] The analytical comport of the true journalist will become the equivalent of intensive factions of editors who receive and re-interpret the findings of their citizen journalists in order to proliferate the desires of a well-informed society. Several local citizen based websites and firms have taken this approach to the extreme, standardizing their workforce into the contributions of citizen journalists, many with no prior skill or training. Yet, their effectiveness is debatable, and as financial corporations, supporting their perpetuation does not yet seem to be the most prudent of financial decisions. â€Å"Internet analyst Jay Park at Samsung Securities in Seoul argues that OhmyNews was successful because it was politically motivated, not business-oriented.†[3] The reality for countries such as Korea is that government regulation of media inhibits the ability to receive unbiased broadcasts important to political elections and the legislative power of the people. The fundamental necessity of free media continues to drive global interaction in regards to citizen reporting, oftentimes inspiring the camera toting voyeur to explore scenarios previously impenetrable to the traditional news reporter. The redefinition of media will continue to include citizen reporting into its annuls, challenging journalists to significantly change tactics and seek more affluent and provocative stories in addition to daily occurrences as their focus shifts from subversive to immersive. ‘â€Å"Traditional journalism is the outside looking in,’ Mitch Gelman, executive vice president of, said. ‘Citizen journalism is the inside looking out. In order to get the complete story, it helps to have both point of views.’†[4] Obviously, the ability to see all dimensions within a breaking news story becomes an integral part of the global assimilation of citizens into the scheme of media reporting. Additionally, through a necessitated desire to affect change and political activism, the pertinent inclusion of a wide variety of media offers an escape from government regulated politicking. Whereas in the UK, the regulation of political campaigns means minimalizing mass media integration of television advertising, sourcing additional communicative avenues has become a significant priority. The Labour party, inspired by the power of YouTube took to advancing their cause through the well known presence of Tony Blair in an unprecedented inclusion of a major British political figure into a world formerly ruled by lonelygirl15, a once powerful yet innocuous YouTube force. It is integration of multiple media avenues which continues to afford a world media the opportunity to view uncensored information, and while political propaganda is undeniably susceptible to the affectation of the representative party, the viewers are now challenged to explore many avenues to effectively decipher thei r own pertinent information. The Naysayers—The Struggle to Protect Media Yet, the converse of the global citizen integration into mass media also poses significant concern and potential debilitating effects to this veracity based empire. So far, the most significant naysayers continue to be journalistic supporters who feel that the potential integration of citizen reporting poses significant problems for information exchange. Namely, the ability to regulate citizen content or invoke accountability protocol against those who misuse their powers and global affectation, signifies a dilution of world media which could negatively affect the transfer of important facts to the public. As governments refuse to regulate electronic content, namely publically shared information, â€Å"such changes raise policy issues that disturb some colleagues. How can our journalistic reputation be protected when we are not fully in control of our content?†[5] Oftentimes subjected to the infiltration of a derisive surfer, web and media content must constantly be edited and investigated in order to assure the publication of truth in global broadcasting. â€Å"Just as the printing press was disruptive in its time, the ubiquity of the Net and the cheap tools that give voice to anyonewhether talented or nothas kicked off a period of creative ferment.†[6] In fact there are significantly powerful web spiders or congregations of hackers and dissenters seek to flood virtuous areas of media with their own petulant inklings. Mitigation of these groups means constant warfare, and as vacillatory as the world public is, their accidental integration into global media could mean dissonance and refusal of participation in sites whose news publications incorporate citizen reporters. A secondary opinion detailing concern within the integration of citizen reporting lies in the fact that trends and fads fade when public opinion becomes stagnant. â€Å"Other industry watchers also express doubts that citizen journalism will turn out to be a going concern. Had it been an attractive global model, ‘someone would have made lots of money by now.’†[7] And, regardless of whether someone has cornered the market on citizen journalism or not, the willingness of the public to accept its efficacy plays an integral role in its future success. While many companies are copying the model set up in South Korea, the perception is that their eventual disintegration will spell a reaffirmation of journalistic principles and affect a minimalization of citizen journalism. The Future—Dog Walking Star Breaches Headlines Currently, there are few websites completely devoted to the perpetuation of citizen journalism. In South Korea, â€Å"OhmyNews, set up in 2000, now has about 90 full-time staffers 65 of them journalists and some 44,000 citizen contributors. Together, they produce around 150 articles a day. This year, it expects revenues of about $6 million, 60% of which come from online ads and the rest from the sale of the companys news product to Internet portals, and from miscellaneous services.†[8] The challenge of a completely integrated site such as this one is that online advertising, regardless of integration of unpaid citizen reporters into a news site is the influx of capital which assures perpetuation and expansion. Should this particular site not attract the investment capital needed, their failure is immanent. Yet their power and assimilation of attentive citizens represents a significant advance at the forefront of global media. They have even branched out in order to attempt incorporation of global audiences into their media focus. â€Å"OhmyNews English-language news division is produced by nearly 1,500 citizen reporters from more than 100 countries, plus five professional editors based in the U.S. and Korea.†[9] Remarkably, the reliance on conventional media continues to minimize the effectiveness of online agencies such as this one, and in spite of potentially similar broadcasts with integrated content that might represent government censorship in their countries of origin, viewers and readers have not yet attached their interests to the facilities of global reportership. Additional global journalism integrates the use of similar electronic voyeurism such as YouTube into more socially affirmative avenues such as Yahoo News. â€Å"Users can visit the section of Yahoo News, dubbed You Witness News, to upload pictures and video that will then be uploaded to Flickr and related video sites. Yahoo and Reuters editors will then go through the material to determine if any of the content can accompany news articles.†[10] It is through the dedicated editorial departments of such online agencies that the perpetuation of public support for citizen journalism will predominate the views of naysayers. Without thorough source analysis and standardized operating procedures which will guarantee the clarity and veracity of reports, sites such as Yahoo and OhMy will continue to encounter significant resistance from a traditionalist mindset. Where the romanticism of citizen journalism and the freedom of information exchange may capture the majority of the world’s nations with the novelty of more widespread and un-censored media coverage, in France, stringent legislation has now been enacted in order to ban this idea of free reporting and videography. â€Å"The ostensible purpose of the ban is to curb ‘happy slapping,’ the recording of assaults and other crimes by accomplices in order to post videos on the Internet as trophies†¦France is the first country to legislate against it Quite apart from instances of official misconduct, however, the ban attempts to squelch the growing phenomenon of ‘citizen journalism.†[11] This drastic measure has hardly been challenged by the French media organizations, as their government owned framework mitigates the exposure of the world to uncensored French news. Highly evident within this government influence is the limited media coverage of the 2005 u rban riots during which the majority of informatory video came from citizen broadcasts. The resistance from the French regime to accept the global implications of incorporation of its citizens as news correspondents shows an ongoing manipulation of public media sources. The unfortunate fact of this censorship is that dissonance among citizens results in redistribution of French attention towards online media broadcasters regardless of government regulation. The right of humanity to remain informed is an accepted practice throughout the globe, yet political interference continues to hamper the advance of propaganda-free broadcasting. Finally, asides to the mainstream influx of news sources continue to spring up throughout the global information deluge. â€Å"The Center for Citizen Media, which launched a website last month, is setting out to encourage grassroots media, and especially citizen journalism. Its one of the latest new media groups jumping into the movement to further citizen journalism online.†[12] Through encouragement and incremental journalistic education for citizens, the electronic media centers throughout the world will enforce a tactic of freedom of information, which enlivens a residual essence of historical significance: the right to know. Through dedication to human information involvement as well as integration of first-hand accounts into global events, the continuation of information sharing will stand resilient to selfish naysayers. Issues of Confidentiality One area which must be addressed within the scope of citizen journalism is the mitigation of privacy infringement. The idea that anyone with a camera or a pen could become a global media informant makes the lives of media makers much more susceptible to exposure. An individual’s scheme of recognition might include photographically accosting a famous icon with the expectation that through utilization of their image and a distorted narrative, that they could influence headlines worldwide. Throughout my research, the paparazzi played an important role already in this media manipulation, yet the integration of potentially millions of would-be journalists drastically increases the size of their information army. It will be extremely important for major media organizations to discourage their potential affect on the pervasive exploitation of media icons in order to continue to support privacy and fairness regardless of global integration. Conclusion It is not the quality of the reporting, nor is it the frequency, but it is the inherent freedom of citizen reporters which challenges the global media magnates to incorporate the influential view of its people into daily information sessions. Where news was once the ability of government bodies to communicate their policies, the integration of daily human interest stories reminds the global citizenship that it is the interest of humans which most drives effective media. Through perpetuation of the World Wide Web, the global community has shrunk the distance between continents, oftentimes finding as much brotherly interaction across borders as within. It is the unique ability to voyeuristically involve all world citizens in the occurrences which shape society and the environment with which it interacts that determines the approach taken towards future challenges. It is absolutely a necessity to mitigate the effect of journalistic elitists through citizen challenges of an information i nflux; in this way, the reeducation of a global community will be dependant on all unique perspectives, and not just those relative to the monopolistic media organization. References â€Å"Bloggers, Citizen Journalists See Katrina From the Inside; As News Organizations Cover the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Broad Strokes, Bloggers Citizen Journalists are Reporting on the devastation While Living its Consequences.† Information Week: September 1st, 2005. Fernandez, Sophie. â€Å"Happy Slapping the French Public; Sarko Takes a Stand Against Citizen Journalism.† The Weekly Standard: March 13th, 2007. Ihlwan, Moon. ‘â€Å"OhmyNews’ Oh My Biz Problem; The Korean Site for Citizen Reporting Hasn’t had Much Success So Far With its Moves Into Other Markets—And it’s in the Red at Home (Asia).† Business Week Online: November 2nd, 2006. Johnston, Garth. â€Å"YouNewsTV Turns Viewers Into Stringers.† Broadcasting Cable: 137:10, March 5th, 2007. Levy, Steven. â€Å"Dawn of the Amateurs; A Flap Over Fraud on Wikipedia Raises Questions About the Reliability of Information in the Age of ‘You Media.† Newsweek International: March 26th, 2007. â€Å"Media Analysis: Citizen Journalism Acceptance Impacts PR. (User Generated Content).† PR Week (US): December 11th, 2006. â€Å"More Sites Venture Into Grassroots/Citizen Media; There’s a Growing Number of New media Groups Pushing a Movement To Further Citizen Journalism Online.† InternetWeek: February 1st, 2006. Sambrook, Richard.â€Å"Citizen journalism and the BBC: ‘ when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership’ (citizen journalism).†Nieman Reports: 59.4, Winter 2005. 1 Footnotes [1] Garth Johnston, â€Å"YouNewsTV Turns Viewers Into Stringers.† (March 5th, 2007) [2] Richard Sambrook, â€Å"Citizen journalism and the BBC: ‘ when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership’(citizen journalism),† (Winter 2005) [3] Moon Ihlwan, ‘â€Å"OhmyNews’ Oh My Biz Problem; The Korean Site for Citizen Reporting Hasn’t had Much Success So Far With its Moves Into Other Markets—And it’s in the Red at Home (Asia),† (November 2nd, 2006) [4] â€Å"Bloggers, Citizen Journalists See Katrina From the Inside; As News Organizations Cover the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Broad Strokes, Bloggers and Citizen Journalists are Reporting on the Devastation While Living its Consequences,† (Sept 1, 2005) [5] Richard Sambrook, (Winter, 2005) [6] Steven Levy, â€Å"Dawn of the Amateurs; A Flap Over Fraud on Wikipedia Raises Questions About the Reliability of Information in the Age of ‘You Media,† (March 26th, 2007) [7] Moon Ihlwan, (November 2nd, 2006) [8] Moon Ihlwan, (November 2nd, 2006) [9] Moon Ihlwan, (November 2nd, 2006) [10] â€Å"Media Analysis: â€Å"Citizen Journalism Acceptance Impacts PR,† (Dec 11, 2006) [11] Sophie Fernandez , â€Å"Happy Slapping the French Public; Sarko Takes a Stand Against Citizen Journalism,† (March 13th, 2007) [12] Richard Sambrook, (Winter, 2005)